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Jamie´s Italian
Restaurant / Xinyi Anhe Taipei
餐廳 / 台北信義安和
位於台北市中心信義區的Jamie Italian推出全新菜單,即使今年Jamie’s Italian英國的餐廳結束營業也不影響海外餐廳的營運,包含三間在台灣和香港的餐廳,並且巨獅集團將持續經營並研發新菜色。
Jamie's Italian’s story started in the early 90s, when a young chef from Essex County, Jamie Oliver, met an Italian Gennaro Contaldo in the kitchen of the Neal Street restaurant in London. They cherish each other in the process of interactive learning and cooking Italian cuisine. A few years later, Jamie, who traveled to Italy, was deeply attracted by the local culture. So he decided to share the characteristics and attitudes of the Italian cuisine with the characteristics of “Fresh, simple and bold, and easy to enjoy”. Jamie's mentor, Gennaro Contaldo, helped to inject the innovative concept of traditional Chinese cuisine with Jamie's unique style, making today's Jamie's Italian. The world's first Jamie’s Italian opened in Oxford, England in 2008, with great success and recognition, and inspired Jamie to expand the restaurant to the world. There are currently 43 restaurants in Jamie's Italian, including Dubai, Australia and Singapore.
Jamie's Italian 的誕生源自 90 年代初期,一位來自埃塞克斯郡的年輕廚師 Jamie Oliver,與一位義大利 人 Gennaro Contaldo 在倫敦 Neal Street 餐廳的廚房裡相遇。他們在互動學習、烹調義大利美食的過程 中惺惺相惜。若干年後, 前往義大利遊歷的 Jamie 深受當地文化吸引,於是決定將義大利菜「選材新 鮮、味道簡單而大膽、享用方式輕鬆」 等特色與態度跟世界分享。而Jamie 的良師益友 Gennaro Contaldo 更助其為傳統義國菜色注入創新概念及 Jamie 的 獨特風格,成就了今天的 Jamie's Italian。 全 球首間 Jamie’s Italian 於 2008 年在英國牛津開設,獲得極大的成功及肯定,也激發了 Jamie 把餐廳擴大 開設到世界各地的想法。目前 Jamie's Italian 共有 43 家餐廳,包含杜拜、澳洲及新加坡等。
The highlight of this new menu is the new "The Taipei Burger", which was created by the team of Jamie’s Italian chefs from Taiwan and Hong Kong, and inspired by idea of a classic Taiwanese street food: the beef noodles. "The Taipei Burger" hamburger patty has Sichuan pepper, star anise and lard to add a tempting taste to the meat. It is topped with sauce reduced from spiced garlic beef broth with many Taiwanese herbs and spices. The concentrated sauce is served with Taiwanese sauerkraut and Taiwanese red pepper. Take a bite, the fragrant, spicy, oily, flavours takes you beyond your imagination, but full of familiar beef noodle flavour.
為了讓菜單更加豐富多元,此次更新特別增加16款全新菜色! 本次菜單調整的最大亮點就是全新「辣臺味漢堡」,由台灣及香港的Jamie’s Italian廚師團隊一同發 想,靈感來自經典台灣街頭小吃:牛肉麵。「辣臺味漢堡」漢堡排添加花椒、八角及豬油,為肉排添增 誘人滋味,上方抹上香氣四溢、由含草果、白豆蔻等數十種辛香料的蒜味牛肉湯汁濃縮而成的抹醬,搭 配台式酸菜及台灣紅辣椒,一同夾入鬆軟布里歐麵包內。一口咬下,香、麻辣、油潤,完全顛覆對於漢 堡的既有想像,卻又充滿熟悉的牛肉麵風味,令人會心一笑。
前菜部分,「蟹肉酪梨麵包」及「鮪魚韃靼」特別採用台灣本地酪梨及野生台灣鮪魚,都是港台廚師團 隊拜訪台灣市集時,所發現的美味食材。「蟹肉酪梨麵包」及「鮪魚韃靼」皆大量運用檸檬清新酸味, 非常適合台灣炎熱的夏季。Jamie’s Italian的每日手工新鮮製作義大利麵陣容,也增加全新的豐盛菜 色,包含「辣味番茄肉丸義大利麵」、「義式番茄水管麵」,都是美味的番茄基底義大利麵,清爽酸 甜,就算是夏天享用也不會太有負擔!
The hand-made meatballs of "Spaghetti & Meatballs " are based on authentic Italian meatball recipe, and added 'nduja spicy sausages to enhance the spiciness, plus fresh milk and bread to make the texture moist. You can’t stop eating at one! The popular popular main course series also includes many new dishes, including "Crispy Chicken" and "Veal Parmigiano", all for Taiwanese love of meat. "Veal Parmigiano" has veal that is pounded into a large sliced thin pork ribs, wrapped in bread flour, parmesan cheese, fried to golden brown, then served with Mozzarella cheese, homemade tomato puree and basil are baked together in the oven.
「辣味番茄肉丸義大利麵」的手工肉丸以正統義式肉丸為基底, 添加'nduja辣味香腸以提升辣度,加上新鮮牛奶及麵包使其質地更濕潤,吃起來香辣迷人,令人停不下 來!十分受歡迎的分享主菜系列,也加入許多重量級新菜,包含「香煎脆皮雞佐白酒炒野菇」、「酥炸香料戰斧小牛」等,都是為了台灣愛吃肉的消費者所量身設計!「酥炸香料戰斧小牛」將小牛排敲打成 大片的帶骨薄肉排,外層裹上麵包粉、帕馬森起司後酥炸至金黃色,再放上莫札瑞拉起司、自製番茄泥 及羅勒一同進烤爐焗烤而成,上桌香氣四溢、份量十分豪邁,各年齡層的饕客都一定會喜歡!
Discover more about Jamie’s Italian at
查看更多關於 Jamie’s Italian at
Address 地址
3F, No.11, Songshou Rd, Xinyi District, Taipei
Opening Hours 營業時間
Sunday to Thursday 11:00 - 21:30
Friday and Saturday 11:00 - 22:00
星期日至星期四 11:00 - 21:30
星期五&星期六 11:00 - 22:00
All the pictures and words in this article belongs to River and Jamie’s Italian and they have copyright.
If you would like to use it please contact us first, we like to share.
本文中的所有圖片和文字版權由River和Jamie’s Italian所有。
8 July 2019
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