Food / Cafe / Design / Visit / Shops / Travel
Untitled Workshop
Cafe / Songshan, Taipei
咖啡店 / 台北松山
When deciding how to name the cafe, the owners made a smart move by using “Untitled” so the meaning was blank and broad to not just a cafe, but also a design shop with home utilities, accessories, fine magazines and also open to future collaborations with other brands.
If you are familiar with the instagram foodie posts in Taipei you will already see the black charcoal latte that appeared in so many of the feeds when Untitled opened, but they have much more than that! We tried their avocado toast, the Steven Smith red nectar tea and a just baked apple pie dessert, all simple and yet so delicious!
近年來松山有越來越多的咖啡廳和商店,漸漸變成台北最有趣的地區之一,來松山可不能錯過"Untitled Workshop"喔!
Goth Latte(非常喜歡這個名字),以可食用的活性碳製成的咖啡,這是Untitled Workshop的招牌唷!
Untitled Workshop是台北唯一一間有來自芝加哥的Intelligentsia coffee的咖啡廳。
大部分的商品都是從美國進口的,只有在Untitled Workshop才看的到。
Untitled Workshop 也是我們台北精選的其中一間咖啡廳,在這邊可以看到River雜誌唷!這是免費索取的,別忘了在被拿光之前趕快拿一本就是你自己的了!
Address 地址
No. 1-2, Alley 12, Lane 52, Section 3, Bade Road, Songshan District, Taipei City
Opening Hours 營業時間
Thursday to Tuesday from 11:00 to 19:00 星期四至星期二上午11點半到晚間7點
Wednesday closed 星期三公休
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12 March 2018
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