Food / Cafe / Design / Visit / Shops / Travel
Café de Riz 米販咖啡
Restaurant / Daan Taipei
餐廳 / 台北大安區
Japan is well known in the art of cooking rice, you will find it in most of their meals and in all kind of different variations, but in Taipei we have Café de Riz, a Taiwanese equivalent that mixes the best of both cuisines with a fantastic outcome.
此次我們要介紹一間很棒的餐廳“Café de Riz 米販咖啡”,大家都知道日本和我們一樣以米飯為主食、日本的米飯好吃也是人人知曉,而在台北我們有Café de Riz!Riz來自拉丁文,是米的意思,透過料理來表達對米食文化的熱情,以不同的料理方式、各式食材結合台灣和日本的飲食文化,打造以米飯為主的菜單,吃著有米的故事,感受米販咖啡著重生活質感以及傳遞食物美好價值的概念。
”糰團圓圓豪華升級“不得不嚐試!外層有包豆腐皮的飯糰吃起來很特別,此餐點主要飯糰口味可二選一:自家炒鮭魚鬆 & 玉蜀黍糯米糰,肉類則有:和風薑燒厚切豬肉 & 自製蒜味噌嫩雞腿排。
Another thing we didn`t expect to find in Café de Riz was high quality coffee. They have a breakfast meal in the menu that include two rice balls (salmon and corn) and the cup of brewed coffee.
不只有米飯餐點,也有美味的咖啡,菜單上的早餐選擇- 兩個飯糰(玉蜀黍糯米糰 & 自家炒鮭魚/宮城明太子),升級套餐加價就可選美式咖啡/紅茶或拿鐵。
They have a little section inside with home goodies. Tote bags, stationery material, books, mugs and a lot of interesting things with a Japanese design touch.
You can also buy the packages of rice to cook at home and there is an option that comes with a super high quality wooden box. Such a good present!
You can order through Uber Eats or contacting them directly in their facebook page or by phone: 02 2755 6587
現在也推出了Uber eats外送服務,或是直接聯絡臉書粉專、電話訂購: 02 2755 6587!
Discover more about Café De Riz at
查看更多關於米販咖啡 at
Address 地址
No. 34, Lane 78, Section 1, Anhe Rd, Da’an District, Taipei
Opening Hours 營業時間
Everyday 每天營業 09:00 - 20:30
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4 May 2020
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